Regular Expressions

Creating Regular Expressions:

You can create a regular expression using the RegExp constructor or a literal syntax enclosed in slashes (/pattern/).

Using RegExp constructor:

                                        const regex = new RegExp('pattern');

Literal Syntax:

                                        const regexLiteral = /pattern/;

Basic Patterns:


A regular expression can consist of literal characters, such as /abc/ to match the sequence "abc."


Quantifiers specify how many occurrences of a character or group are expected.


  • *: Zero or more occurrences
  • +: One or more occurrences
  • ?: Zero or one occurrence
  • {n}: Exactly n occurrences
  • {n,}: n or more occurrences
  • {n,m}: Between n and m occurrences

Character Classes:

Character classes allow you to match any one of a set of characters.

Square Brackets:

  • [abc]: Matches any one of the characters a, b, or c.
  • [^abc]: Matches any character except a, b, or c.

Anchors are used to match positions in the string rather than characters.

  • ^: Matches the start of a string.
  • $: Matches the end of a string.

i (case-insensitive):

  • /pattern/i makes the pattern case-insensitive.

\ (backslash):

  • Escapes a metacharacter, treating it as a literal character.

Example Usage:

                                            const text = "Hello, this is a sample text with some patterns.";
const pattern = /pattern/;

console.log(pattern.test(text));  // Output: true
console.log(text.match(pattern)); // Output: ['pattern']                                            

Test Regular Expressions Online:

You can test and experiment with regular expressions using online tools like RegExr or Regex101.