React.js Introduction

Why use React.js?

Component Reusability: Using React, developers provide components that are able to be reused multiple times in the development of an application. It means that software developers can quickly and efficiently put together different pieces of the code which makes it relatively simple and clean to update and sustain the code.

Virtual DOM: React employs a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to shorten the update process in the user interface (UI). Contrary to React, DOM, the virtual version of the UI is created’ instead of the one which directly interacts with DOM. Only the parts of the UI’s representation which need to be updated are updated if any changes occur. By doing that, the overall experience of users’ browsing will be enhanced and will be more comfortable.

Declarative Syntax: React has a declarative rule that entails the use of a declarative syntax which in turn means that developers explain what the UI should be like and React takes the responsibility of updating the DOM to match the desired state. The coders can easily relate to the code as it is more predictable,formidable and can be understood easily.

Support for JSX: React applies JSX (JavaScript Extended Markup Language), a JavaScript dialect, to writing HTML-like scripts rather than actually writing them. JSX combines the performance of Java Script together with the conventional thinking of HTML making the process of development and management of UI components easier.

React's Component-Based Architecture

A characteristic of React that is vital is its Component-based Architecture. Using In react, User interface is divided into small, reusable components which are responsible in rendering specific part of the UI. One typical example of this is the presence of these components that could be nested one within another to create complex structures of a UI.

React components have their own state and lifecycle functions, that ensure them the right management of their state and behavior. Therefore, it is easier to manage and grow applications with a modular nature of creating its UIs, because separate changes can be done to certain parts of the application, while the rest of the application remains safe.

In general, React's component-based design makes it possible to reuse code blocks, modularize the codebase, and have better code maintenance. As a result, it's become a preferred tool for creating web applications.