Vue Lifecycle Hooks

Using Lifecycle Hooks:

Vue.js has some set of lifecycle hooks, these are like, certain methods that you can define within a vue component to accomplish specific things during the life of the component.

Among these, the most common Lifecycle hooks include created, mounted, updated as well as destroyed. This hooks are used to accomplish jobs like obtaining information, modifying DOM or clearing resources at different life cycle stages of a component.


    <p>{{ message }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, Vue!'
  created() {
    console.log('Component created');
    // Perform initialization tasks
  mounted() {
    console.log('Component mounted');
    // Perform tasks after component is mounted to the DOM
  updated() {
    console.log('Component updated');
    // Perform tasks after component is updated
  destroyed() {
    console.log('Component destroyed');
    // Perform cleanup tasks before component is destroyed


In this example, you have a Vue component having a template that contains a paragraph element displaying a message. We’ve defined lifecycle hooks like created, mounted, updated and destroyed. These hooks will log messages to the console at different stages of the components’ lifecycle.

  • created: Created is called synchronously after creating an instance of the component but before it has been mounted on the page. This is where you would usually perform set up operations such as initializing data.
  • mounted: Called when the component has just been inserted into DOM. Usually, this is where actions that require access to actual DOM like fetching data from API occur.
  • updated: After re-rendering the data of the component and updating the DOM, updated() method is called. At this point within your code may be located actions which need to be done at data changes.
  • destroyed: This is invoked just right before we delete an instance of our component from DOM tree structure in order to perform some cleaning up activities like removing event listeners or canceling timers.

With these life-cycle hooks, you can control how your Vue components behave at different points in their lives and ensure correct initialization, manipulation and clean-up tasks.