Angular Basic Concepts
Angular Basic Concepts
Angular is both a platform for and a framework within it for single page client application building with HTML and TypeScript. The language Angular, by default, uses TypeScript.
Instead of merely a generic JavaScript framework, it uses typescript libraries that you can import your applications.
Understanding Angular Modules and Components
Modules: In Angular, modules are containers for different parts of your application, such as components, services, directives, and pipes.
Angular applications typically have at least one root module, and you can create additional feature modules to organize functionality.
Components: A part is a component that makes up a changeable desktop application Angular.
They are the one that contain the code for interfacing with the user – templates, logic, and styling for how the UI will behave.
In this model, every segment consists of a TypeScript class that is responsible for its functioning and a template (HTML) for its view creation.
Bootstrapping Angular Applications
Bootstrapping: Bootstrapping refers to the process of starting up an Angular application.
In this case, linking to the platform is usually achieved through the method 'platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule()' used in the main.ts file. This technique is, in fact, a personal one by which the bottom module of the application is launched that initially inits the app and the depenancy injection system.
Angular Project Structure
- src Folder: This is the main folder where your application source code resides.
- app Folder: This folder contains the components, modules, services, and other files that make up your application.
- angular.json File: This file contains configuration settings for your Angular project, such as build options, asset paths, and project dependencies.
- tsconfig.json File: This file contains TypeScript compiler options and settings for your project.
- main.ts File: This is the entry point of your Angular application. It bootstraps the root module of your application and starts the Angular platform.
- index.html File: This is the main HTML file of your application. It typically contains the <app-root> element, which is the root component of your Angular application.