Angular Observables and RxJS
What is Observables and RxJS in Angular?
Introduction to Observables and RxJS in the context of Angular:
Introduction to Observables and Reactive Programming
Observables are a fundamental part of reactive programming in Angular. They represent a stream of data that can be observed over time.
Observables: An Observable is a representation of any set of values or events over time. It can emit multiple values asynchronously.
Subscriptions: A data object is now subscribed to in order to start getting the data from it. Such action can also be unsubscribed for in order to stop getting information.
Operators: RxJS provides a decent set of operators to make EO's (Observable) application. Operators enable you to rearrange, slice, merge and even peel off the data streams.
Using RxJS Operators for Asynchronous Programming
RxJS provides a wide range of operators for working with Observables. Here are some commonly used ones for asynchronous programming:
- map: Transforms the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item.
- filter: Filters items emitted by an Observable based on a predicate function.
- mergeMap/switchMap: Provides the subscription to the each value of the source by the mechanism of emitting the values of the Observable into a single one- Observable stream.
- catchError: Runs out all errors allowed by an Observable by sending a new Observable or throwing an error.
The switchMap operator cancels the outer one when a new value comes from inner obs.
Integrating Observables with Angular Components and Services
Of the various APIs in Angular, Observables is most frequently employed with async events such as HTTP requests and DOM manipulations. Here's how you can integrate Observables with Angular components and services:Here's how you can integrate Observables with Angular components and services:
- Component Interaction: Use the Observers to exchange the messages and information between the components, emitting and subscribing the to help the communication.
- HTTP Requests: Use Observables to make HTTP requests to backend APIs using Angular's HttpClient module. Subscribe to the Observables returned by HTTP methods to handle responses.
- Forms: Angular's reactive forms use Observables to track changes in form inputs and emit form values over time.
- Services: Use Observables in services to encapsulate and handle asynchronous operations such as data fetching, caching, and processing.