CSS Border
CSS Border:
Border property feature sets the border of the element.
It is having diversified properties, which can be created to control the form, width, and color.
Basic Border:
Lines a solid black border around element.
div {
border: 1px solid black;
Border Style:
Apart from setting the border style (e.g., solid, dashed or dotted), the code block does the following.
img {
border-style: dashed;
Border Width:
Defines the width of the border. It can be specified in pixels, em units, etc.
p {
border-width: 2px;
Border Color:
Put on a border's color.
button {
border: 1px solid #3498db; /* blue border */
Individual Borders:
You can redefine style properties from solid type and width to sold color from each Flip side.
div {
border-top: 2px dotted #e74c3c;
border-right: 1px solid #2ecc71;
border-bottom: 3px dashed #f39c12;
border-left: 4px double #3498db;
Rounded Corners:
Has rounded corners for passing an element.
div {
border: 2px solid #e67e22;
border-radius: 10px;
The property border can be used with the shorthand to make the border properties the same at once.
article {
border: 1px solid #9b59b6;
These examples are practiced for the commonly used CSS-related styling of borders.
You have the ability to do this by point and clicking so you end up with any border style you desire!