CSS Cursor
What is Cursor?
The cursor Property is to define the type of cursor to be revealed when cursor hovers a link.
It gives an idea of the user interaction or about what the element is doing by bevelling it.
Default Cursor:
The arrow is the basic cursor shape, representing the default cursor.
button {
cursor: default;
Pointer Cursor:
Points to a link or a clickable element.
a {
cursor: pointer;
Crosshair Cursor:
Displays a crosshair, often used for selecting.
div {
cursor: crosshair;
Text Cursor:
Indicates text selection.
input[type="text"] {
cursor: text;
Move Cursor:
Indicates that the item can be moved.
.draggable {
cursor: move;
Resize Cursors:
Indicates that the item can be resized in different directions.
.resizable {
cursor: nw-resize; /* northwest-resize */
You can use values like ne-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, n-resize, e-resize, s-resize, w-resize for different directions.
Help Cursor:
Displays a help icon, indicating help is available.
.help-icon {
cursor: help;
Not Allowed Cursor:
Indicates that the requested action is not allowed.
button[disabled] {
cursor: not-allowed;