CSS Font Styles

Normal Font Style:

Specifies the normal font style.

                            p {
                                font-style: normal;

This is the default font style.

Italic Font Style:

Sets the text to italic.

                            em {
                                font-style: italic;

This example makes the text inside <em> tags italic.

Oblique Font Style:

Similar to italic, but the characters are slanted.

                            h1 {
                                font-style: oblique;

Oblique is less commonly used than italic, and its appearance may vary between browsers.

Combining Font Styles:

You can combine font styles with other font properties.

                            strong {
                                font-style: italic;
                                font-weight: bold;

This example makes the text inside <strong> tags both bold and italic.

Using Shorthand:

The font shorthand property can be used to set multiple font properties, including style.

                            h2 {
                                font: italic bold 16px/1.5 "Times New Roman", serif;

This example sets the font style to italic, font weight to bold, font size to 16 pixels, line height to 1.5, and specifies font family options.