CSS Text Effect

Text Color:

Theretoexample demonstrates setting the text color of a paragraph to #3498db.

                            p {
                                color: #3498db; /* Set text color to a shade of blue */

Text Size:

The example shows the font styling of h1 heading of 24px.

                            h1 {
                                font-size: 24px; /* Set font size to 24 pixels */

Font Weight:

This example makes the text within a <strong> element bold.

                            strong {
                                font-weight: bold; /* Set font weight to bold */

Text Decoration:

This example adds an underline to the text within anchor tags.

                            a {
                                text-decoration: underline; /* Underline the text within anchor tags */

Text Transform:

This example transforms the text in an h2 heading to uppercase.

                            h2 {
                                text-transform: uppercase; /* Convert text to uppercase */

Letter Spacing:

This example increases the spacing between letters in a paragraph.

                            p {
                                letter-spacing: 2px; /* Add 2 pixels of spacing between letters */

Line Height:

This example adjusts the line height of text in a paragraph.

                            p {
                                line-height: 1.5; /* Set line height to 1.5 times the font size */

Text Align:

This example center-aligns the text inside a div.

                            div {
                                text-align: center; /* Center-align the text within a div */

Text Shadow:

This example adds a shadow to the text in an h3 heading.

                        h3 {
                            text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #888888; /* Add a shadow to text */

Overflow Ellipsis:

This example adds an ellipsis to text that overflows a paragraph.

                        p {
                            white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent text from wrapping */
                            overflow: hidden; /* Hide overflow text */
                            text-overflow: ellipsis; /* Display ellipsis (...) for overflow text */

Responsive Font Size:

This example sets the font size of an h1 heading relative to the viewport width.

                        h1 {
                            font-size: 3vw; /* Set font size based on viewport width for responsiveness */

Text Animation:

This example applies a color-changing animation to the text within a span element.

                        span {
                            display: inline-block;
                            animation: colorChange 3s infinite alternate; /* Apply a color-changing animation */
                        @keyframes colorChange {
                            0% {
                                color: #3498db;
                            100% {
                                color: #2ecc71;